
Wednesday Library day for Dinosaurs!

While Collin was at work, I took the other three to the library. Wednesdays they always have some fun activity for kids and even though Liam is a little old, he is a good sport. Doing the ring toss around the triceratops horns.

Stomping like a dinosaur.

Uncovering our dinosaur fossil in ice.

Liam really liked this activity.

Coloring a book mark.
Finding different fossils in the sand.

Then the last thing we did was go on a dinsoaur hunt to label and find different tracks.

And they had fun blow up dinosaurs going around and chasing people. There were a TON of people there, but since it was outside, it was fine. It was a nice little outside break time. I am SO SO thankful for the library and all they do for our family!

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