
Tampa Riverwalk and Florida Aquarium

Sunday afternoon after church we went to the Tampa Riverwalk. I had heard so many amazing things about it....but I admit, it was not what I expected.
It was really toasty and we didn't see much of what I had read online. It was still pretty, but I think we must have missed the parts that were really cool. Oh well. You live and learn.

And here was the way to our hotel. You can see the crazy ride Sheikra. It was such a tall drop and you "hang there" for like 10 seconds before it drops. It was nutso.
Then Monday morning before we got on the ship, we went to the Florida Aquarium that was right next door. It was a really cool aquarium.
It had some very unique creatures different from our aquarium.

Fun little turtle.
Big crocodile.

The otter was swimming.

We especially loved the undersea section.

These fish were so funny looking.

You sadly can't tell in this picture, but these fish COMPLETELY blend in with the rocks and sand.
This was another crazy creature. These little sand worm things that went up and down out of the sand.
Adeline loved the puffer fish.
Petting the stingrays.

We saw our ship in the distance!
The girls and I touched sea stars. They were weird feeling I admit.

The shark tank area.

Outside they had a couple of penguins and this cool penguin egg.

It was a nice couple of hours to kill before getting on the ship. And here we are all getting ready to get on the boat!
 And below are some silly pictures from one of the cameras at the aquarium you could send to your phone ha ha.

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