
Marcus Sintay pool party

The Sintays invited us to a family pool party at a relative's house when they picked up Marcus from his mission. So even though for several hours the same afternoon we went to the Provo Rec Center, the kids swam in this awesome house pool for several more hours.
Liam trying to catch the football thrown to him.

Adeline LOVED jumping off the diving board.

And they had this little trampoline you could jump off into the pool from as well.

Adeline doing a front flip off the diving board. She is crazy!

More action of front flips.

And then some people hung out on the relaxing pool floaties for awhile.

Liam trying to jump off onto the little pool floatie.

Collin same.
Liam played a some spike ball with some of the older kids and adults.

More relaxing in the pool. We stayed until about 915 pm. They swam and played hard on Friday!
We love you Marcus! And Sintays! Thanks for inviting us to your party!

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