
This is the Place Heritage Park, free day

We hadn't been able to attend the last couple of years of This is the Place Park free day due to other summer commitments, so I was excited when we could go this year. Granted, it is very reasonably priced but still, saving $75.00 is a great win in my book! Got there a little before it opened and went inside to check out the huge map of the park.

This is a new statue inside the pioneer center. It was really cute with a family of statues.

Trying to get all 4 kids to smile and look forward is still challenging :)
One of our favorite spots is doing the pioneer chores. This visit I learned the pioneers did laundry on Monday, Ironing on Tuesdays, Wednesday was mending, Thursday was market day, and Fridays cleaning. Those pioneers sure worked hard! It's hard to imagine in some ways from our world today.

Beating the rug is always a hit.

Putting clothes on the clothesline.


This was a fun game of making the bear up the ladder.

There were several pioneer homes open that in all the times we have been there, we haven't been inside so that was cool. We learned several things about pioneer people in the homes.

The girls asked a lot of questions about the spinning wool into yarn.

Liam balancing water on his head.

Getting a shave is always a favorite.

Evelyn and Adeline learned a lot about money at the bank.

This was probably the most interesting this visit, the telegraph office. There was a guy there that taught and showed us all about how things happened before the telegraph and the different signs they would use to communicate and the different morse codes over the years. He was REALLY knowledgeable.

The different pre-telegraph signs and letters.

Panning for gold. Because there were SO many people there, it was a little tricky, but eventually they found some.

Proof I was there and got my free ice cream!
We didn't stay as long this year, mostly because it was very very hot and tons of kids there, but we stayed over 3 hours and that was great!
We went to smiths on the way home and got some ice cream instead of buying more at this is the place. Smiths was cheaper :)
It was our first bigger summer adventure of the year (at least while being at home ha ha).

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