
Day 2 at sea

Tuesday June 4 was our first whole day at sea. Here we are voting on the belly flop contest.
There were SO many people on that deck. I don't think I have ever been to a belly flop contest with so many people watching before. It was fun.
The girls and I did a family scavenger hunt through adventure ocean (the kids club). We had to go around the ship and take pictures with different crew members so here we are with a chef.
A security guy.
A musician, who was still playing the piano amazingly while we took his picture.
Someone else.
Dining crew. Her name was Belinda and she always sat you for breakfast and lunch in the dining room.
Housekeeping staff.
Guest services.
Someone doing a silly pose (Collin).
The girls, especially Evelyn, ate a LOT of caesar salad.

The fancy dress up night.

Liam eating his curried lamb. His favorite meal on the ship.

It was a fun day 2.

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