
Day 3 Port Day Nassau

These first few pictures were actually from later on Tuesday night. This was a name the tune game show where I knew a lot of the songs surprisingly.
The girls REALLY loved adventure ocean this cruise. I was so happy for them, because their experience the first time on the cruise last year they didn't enjoy it at all and never went back. They went LOTS of times on this cruise and loved it each time. Granted, we had heard there were 500 kids on this ship, so lots lots more kids. Here was the night they did some team competition and they were the blue kitties.

And here they are ready for our first port day in Nassau! I got these rompers because I thought they would be really lightweight and cool for walking around in the humidity. And it was fun they matched :)

And I told them they could do some silly faces after the cute pictures.

Collin is looking on point for the tropics with his cool tropical shirt.
And it was definitely on the toasty side. We just walked around Nassau. This was near the queen's staircase (you can see in the back) but it wasn't very far, it was slightly uphill and what you can't see this far away is how much we were all sweating. Ha ha. In fact, every one of my kids told me at some point on this day "mom! You are just sweating!" I guess my kids never see my really sweat :)

At the top of the staircase they had a cool little fort. And in the background is the resort Atlantis. It is VERY expensive to go there though so we opted not to.
You can tell Adeline was hating me at this point.
The fort. We had got some water and went in the air conditioned gift shop for a little bit so she was slightly happier and it was Evelyn's turn to be cranky.

This waterfall on the way down from the staircase was very pretty. It was just a cool little jungle area in the middle of a city. SO much of walking around this city brought back memories of my mission for me. Must just be island life.

We did buy the girls some fans at the top by the fort and they were doing MUCH better with the fans. I couldn't handle the whiny the whole rest of the day.
We went to the Graycliffe Chocolate place (it was popular) and we got some frozen chocolate drinks. They weren't quite as big a hit as I thought they would though. They had a TON of whipped cream. We probably could have gotten just one instead of 3 but who was I to know not everybody would pound them.

The boys and padres went back to the ship and Ryan and I took the girls shopping for souvenirs. This was in front of the famous straw market. We didn't stay in there too long though.
After a couple hours of shopping we headed back to the ship.
Adeline was MUCH happier after her pool ice cream. She always wanted me to take pictures of her with her cone like this.

Just hanging around the ship relaxing.

This was the night the waiters danced around and everyone waved their napkins. I love the face of Evelyn on this. We LOVED our assistant waiter Charlotte so much.


Sunset on Day 3.

And another late night fun adventure with Adventure Ocean for the girls. Not sure what game they played with these bandanas but they loved it. They stayed every night until 10pm and loved it.

Out of order pictures more napkin waving.
And waiting for the show with the juggler/sword guy who Adeline really loved.

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