
Adeline gets her first cavitities filled, Evelyn gymnastics

Adeline went to her dentist cleaning and ended up having 4 cavities. She was VERY nervous to go and had a meltdown a few days before, but after much talking, praying, and discussing she was very very brave. Thank goodness for good headsets and Cinderella movies! Thanks to prayers, she didn't even FLINCH at all during the whole thing, even when they put the numbing medicine on.
Her smile was a little off because her mouth was numb, and it was a little tricky talking for awhile, but she got a trip to the dollar store for some prizes and went to school. It went so much quicker and faster than  I was expecting. Thanks to answered prayers!

And Evelyn kept working on her gymnastics.

Working on the cartwheels on the lower beam. This is SO tricky!

And my dad paid for a birthday present to take out our old Siberian elm tree stump.


Saturday adventuer May 4, hiking Ensign Peak

Finally, finally we had a decent Saturday weather wise, so we went to hike Ensign Peak. We hadn't done it in a few years. Here is the token kid picture at the start of the trail.

Fun flower picture.
Start of the overlooks.
It was really fun this time because we were looking for the Taylorsville Temple. We saw it!
The girls loved this little bench area.

Now we are closer to the top overlooking the airport and train station. It was fun to see the airplanes flying in.
I spy the Taylorsville Temple!
Whole family picture!

I brought the squeeze applesauces for the hike and Adeline was so happy!

Proof I was there.
Top of the hike kid picture.

Look, it's my favorite color of blue pictures!

More pictures on the way down.

Little garden on the pathway back to the car off the trail.
It was a nice morning hike and not very busy at all. Yeah for nice weather for hikes!


Open house with padres and Clare, art class, and finger bracelets

When my parents were here, my aunt drove down from Bountiful to come to the Taylorsville temple open house. It wasn't as busy as when my family went since it was first thing in the morning during the week, but still SO pretty. And different tulips were in bloom from the couple weeks before!

West side of temple.
Love this pretty circle of flowers.
The girls (from Allory and Lainey) discovered finger bracelet making.
Art class!