
MOSI-Tampa Museum of Science and Industry

After we went to the pretty park, we went to the MOSI, the museum of science and industry. This was a cool "lay on the bed of nails" thing.

Doing different experiments.
Putting together Pangea map with Evelyn.

This tug of war activity was a big hit to see who could pull the most.

More mind game puzzles and activities.

Experiencing a hurricane.

Liam go to drive a drone which he loved.

They had lots of fun mind type games. Here was one to try and build a house to withstand an earthquake.

Getting the marble through the maze.

Trying to see who had a "more pleasant" mind.
This was probably the coolest part. They had a huge "moon" inside exhibit where you got to do all kinds of things to simulate being an astronaut on the moon.

 It was a really fun museum to spend a couple of hours in. I think we stayed there a little over 2 hours and lots of it was super interactive which was cool.

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