
Boys head to trek, Adeline and I have a date to the Gale Museum

The last week of June, Collin and Liam had the opportunity to go on trek with the stake to Martin's Cove. Here they are SO excited to be in their pioneer clothes ha ha.
This same week, the girls had aquarium camp, but Adeline only went in the afternoons, so we did some fun things in the morning just us. One of the mornings we went to the Gale Museum in South Jordan. We had gone there last year on a random day off of kindergarten and she loved it. Here she is in the mining area.
Looking for the mini trains going.

She REALLY enjoyed being the teacher in the school room.

Gathering the eggs from the chickens.

And the little mini store is ALWAYS a hit. There were a lot more kids here this day than when we went last year, so we had to work on sharing :) to be the workers in the store.

Doing the scavenger hunt.
This punching bag was new since the last time we went. She LOVED punching this bag!

Thanks Gale Museum! We love you and will be back soon!

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