
Father's Day and Natural History Museum visit

A playing of Stratego for some non-screen time.
The girls set this up for Ryan before dinner on Father's Day.

We went on our annual trip to the Natural History Museum on Monday of this week. This dinosaur that always tries to eat you is funny.

This time we started at the very top of the museum and went down which we usually start at the bottom and go up. The lounge chairs on the roof were new.

This was also a new display on the top floor by the roof. The different types of things to preserve environments.

I really enjoy the Native American visit.
The DNA and cell structure puzzles are always fun.

And finding all the plants/animals in the diaramas.

The water table didn't have the water going for some reason, so the sand felt very different.

Showing the effects of erosion. Hardly ANYONE was at the museum when we first got there so it was nice to go around to different exhibits and not have to wait a turn.
Jumping for the earthquake levels and building the house to withstand earthquakes.

We haven't ever spent much time in the "people's" exhibits, but we had fun trying to put these pieces of clay pots back together. They were tricky!

Trying to braid, make rope, and other things ancient people did.

Lunch time snack outside.

The little water area is still fun.

Our all 4 kids token picture. We do this every time and it's fun to see how much everyone has grown.

Liam matched up the puzzle of the fossils under the glass.

Adeline tried to blow into paper to sound like a dinosaur.

Digging for fossils.

Look at this HUGE mouth!
Flooding antelope island. My kids always like this water feature to flood the valley.

And the erosion table.
Adeline gets a turn to flood the valley.

And we ended with their favorite pollution game. They always get NO pollution and win it, but then they did it again and made it the worst pollution ever!

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