
Oobleck, the oxelotl hatches and lunch at the park and Evelyn tries kung fu

One day while at home, Adeline wanted to do an "experiment" while at home, so we made oobleck. She spent a lot of time stirring it up.

And we went to lunch at the park for the first time in a LONG time.

And the special axolotl she bought at the Florida Aquarium (that she thought was a fail because it was taking SO long to hatch) hatched! She saw the crack and got SO excited.
More hatching. We had to move him into a bigger container.

And Friday afternoon we went down to the Provo Rec center early before going to Marcus Sintay's homecoming mission party. I didn't want to drive two hours in bad traffic so we went down and played at the rec center for several hours.
Along with a LOT of other people. But the boys had fun playing water basketball with other boys there.

We spent most of our time at the indoor areas, but then we went outside in the wave pool for about a half hour. The girls got cold so they were drying off in the sun :)

And Evelyn's friend from school, Annika, had a free pass to have her join her at kung fu so Evelyn got to try a class for free. She really enjoyed it!

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