
Day 5 at sea and flying home on Day 6

Checking in to adventure ocean for a sea day morning.
Watching the sexiest man on ship contest.
And getting maybe our 50th ice cream cone on the pool deck.
More cone pictures.

Relaxing before dinner.

Looking out at the beautiful ocean. This sight never got old to me.

Grandpa got the boys virgin strawberry daiquiris the last night at dinner. Liam really loved his.

And Liam eating a salad.
Our AMAZING assistant waiter Charlotte. She was so so sweet. The girls will miss her a lot.
And our head waiter. He was very nice too, but Charlotte was a GEM!

Last showcase show had more of Aaron Bonk.
And our last cute towel set up by our room attendant.
Day 6 taking the tram to the airport terminal.
Adeline made a finger weaving bow while waiting at the airport.
And VERY VERY studiously studied the emergency instructions.
Goodbye Florida! You were good to us. And we had a wonderful time!

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