
More one-on-one time with Adeline

Wednesday morning of the camp week, I took Adeline to the library to meet a blacksmith. But before we did that, she and a school classmate she saw there did the scavenger hunt and identify characters game.
Outside watching the blacksmith "force" metal. I'm so thankful for all the cool things our library provides for the community. For free!

One morning she did some painting and art and is going to sell it :)
Taking a walk around daddy's office before heading to aquarium camp.
The last day of camp, she wanted to wear Taylor Swift and show me how strong she is.
Showing me her puffy paint thing she made at aquarium camp. Obviously I don't have a lot of pictures from aquarium camp, but both Evelyn and Adeline really, really enjoyed it. It was such a good thing for them!


Boys head to trek, Adeline and I have a date to the Gale Museum

The last week of June, Collin and Liam had the opportunity to go on trek with the stake to Martin's Cove. Here they are SO excited to be in their pioneer clothes ha ha.
This same week, the girls had aquarium camp, but Adeline only went in the afternoons, so we did some fun things in the morning just us. One of the mornings we went to the Gale Museum in South Jordan. We had gone there last year on a random day off of kindergarten and she loved it. Here she is in the mining area.
Looking for the mini trains going.

She REALLY enjoyed being the teacher in the school room.

Gathering the eggs from the chickens.

And the little mini store is ALWAYS a hit. There were a lot more kids here this day than when we went last year, so we had to work on sharing :) to be the workers in the store.

Doing the scavenger hunt.
This punching bag was new since the last time we went. She LOVED punching this bag!

Thanks Gale Museum! We love you and will be back soon!

Free Frazzle Friday, $1 jamba, making play dough, and Adeline gets sick

This is the first summer I have heard about free Frazzle Friday in June. None of us had ever tried it, but they are at a lot of gas stations within ten minute drive of us so we went and got one a couple of weeks ago.

Everyone doesn't show it, but they were excited to try it!

Adeline LOVED her rainbow one.
That same Friday we got our first Frazzles, Jamba was having a $1 smoothie sale in the afternoon, so then we went and got $1 smoothies. All five of us got one for cheaper than one at regular price!

And the girls wanted to make playdough so they were making homemade banana playdough when they had to take a screen break.

And then Adeline got sick and last Saturday night we had to go to the instacare and she was diagnosed with pneumonia and had to get 2 breathing treatments. She has been on meds for a week now and is doing MUCH better.


The axelotl fully hatches, and I take the girls to Luv2play for the first time

Adeline's oxelotal (can NEVER spell that!) finally hatched all the way!

It was a very exciting day.
Walking back with a friend from lunch at the park.
Our Getoutpass had a free entrance to a place called Luv2play. We had never been there, and I knew Collin and Liam were too old, so I took the girls for a couple hours yesterday afternoon.
They both really liked this spinning toy.
And proof again sometimes I get yummy treats at places.

More fun toys to play on.

These slides were fun too. They did races to see if they could beat their time getting down the slides.