
Reunion Day 2-Silverwood water park

We were all SO excited to go to the park. here are the twins.
The girls all got to ride in our van and my mom so we were joking it was the girls' car. They were so funny and loud both on the 45 minute drive there and the drive back.
Attempt at all kid picture.

This was the first time Adeline has really been at a water park where she can intensely play in the water and go down water slides, due to throat thickening issues,. She LOVED it. She was a little nervous to go down some of the waterslides, but she was brave and then loved them.

Snack time.
Silly girls.

Sometimes I do say yes and get treats for everyone. Proof that I do.

More ice cream time.

Reading night time books with Auntie Brianne.

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