
Day 3-low key day at the house

The middle day of our reunion was just a "no plan relax" day in between the Silverwood days. The kids tested out the hot tub.

Hanging out outside in the backyard.
This is how Adeline puts on her own sunscreen ha ha.
There was a really fun park nearby that we went to for about a little over an hour or so. Collin and Liam were good sports to come, since they are semi-old for parks sometimes :)

Liam played with Wes a lot which was fun.

There was also a splash pad connected to this park. We didn't really plan to get all soaking wet, but it started to get hot and so Evelyn was the first one over there soaked.

Testing out all the waterfall features.

Getting warm.
Wes liked it sometimes, and sometimes not ha ha.

So many times I caught the cousins holding hands. It was so sweet.
In the afternoon we played some games that Jeff's family brought. The Jumanji game was a hit.

Playing the kid version of katan.
Brianne did this little puzzle that was super cool. It all fit in a little box.
Picking raspberries with Grandpa.
Liam hanging out with Wes and the truck.
It was a little tricky and we had to go buy wood, but we did smores in the fire pit. It was a HUGE hit.

Even Wes got in on the action.

Big marshmallow roasted.

More Auntie Brianne storytime.

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