
2023 Swimming lessons

This was the very first year Adeline got permission from her feeding therapist and aero digestive team she could do swimming lessons. At first she was ecstatic when I told her a couple of months ago, but she was definitely a little nervous to actually do them.
Here she is getting nervous in the "deep deep" end so her teacher kind of taught her a personal lesson the day I got to watch.

She has definitely come a LONG ways even in the 2 weeks she was doing them. Hopefully we can find more time to go swimming and practice this summer.

She is still working hard on backfloat.
Evelyn practicing diving. She has gotten to be a really good swimmer, especially with pencil fish and sea turtle.

Diving off the diving board with no help.

Adeline did get brave enough the last day to go down the slide several times. She could touch at the bottom so that helped!


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