
Library Wednesday magician and park hang out time

It seems like we have hardly been able to go to the fun Wednesday library activities this summer, too busy. But we went to the magician. He was great and very funny.

Adeline kept saying on the drive there "I do NOT want to go see a magician!" But then she actually got called up as the only kid to be an "assistant". After I asked her how it was and she said it was amazing.
Even Liam enjoyed it and couldn't figure out some of the tricks.
Afterwards, they had an animal interactive activity through the whole library that we did to identify different kinds of animals.

Seeing where the animals were at on the globe.

Ran for a quick lunch at the park, which we also have hardly done this summer.
Proof Liam has fun at parks sometimes.
My great friend Corianne was in town so she and her two kids came to dinner and to play with us. It was so fun to see her!

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