
Day 5 Hot Springs, Mammoth Site and Evans Plunge

Ok once again, this picture should be last since it is from Evan's Plunge swimming.
On Day 5, we went down to Hot Springs. I had read about the water fall in Hot Springs, but it looked MUCH bigger in the picture than when we drove by ha ha. But still cool since it was right along the main road.
We spent the morning at the Mammoth Site. I had read great reviews about it, but wasn't quite sure what to expect. It was SO cool. VERY interactive and you learned SO much about this sinkhole where they have found tons of mammoths. Unlike other fossil type places, this one had little info signs along the whole "bed" that told you stories and info which was so cool.
It was kind of a sad story in a way, all these mammoths died in a sinkhole because it looked inviting and they fell in due to steepness and then couldn't get out :( gospel lesson there.

Measuring ourselves next to the bear display.

And the mammoth replica which some of those were MASSIVE!

Here is almost a complete skeleton of a mammoth. They can estimate age by their teeth bones and this guy was 47 years old.

They also had a fun water table area we spent some time at. Of course, building big dams and having water destroyed it.

This was another cool sand table the boys liked playing with.

Uncovering fossil bones.

And after we went to Evans Plunge and went swimming. I never take very many pictures swimming because. Safety.

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