
Badlands Part 2, the window and door trails

Here is at the end of the door trail, which should be the last picture, but somehow it always goes at the top now.
In my research I didn't realize the door and window trails were right next to the notch trail so we took a snack break and then did both of those. The window trail was very short and mostly walked out to an overlook.
Here is the overlook. It was a very cool overlook.

This was near the overlook and of course, my mountain goat kids wanted to climb it.

I spy O'Berry kids climbing.

And Liam of course went to the top. He is a great great climber.

Then we went down to the "door" trail, which was a little longer. It was getting hotter at this time so not ass many people over on this trail. I was very very glad we had done the Notch Trail first.
This one just walked along the top of the badlands, but it was still cool. You could overlook from the other side.

Proof I was there.

Here is the end of the trail to a huge drop off, so I didn't let the girls go over there :)
Headed back for lunch and the visitor center! I LOVE you Badlands!

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