
Day 3 continued Minuteman Missile Historical Site and Wall Drug

This is, once again, supposed to be the last picture in this post, but it comes to the top. Inside of Wall Drug.
This was the visitor Center we spent a little time at after we hiked in Badlands.
Different things you may see on the trail.
We went to the Minuteman Historical Site and the boys and Ryan got to tour the underground launch bunker. I didn't know if the girls would like it so I didn't get them tickets and we just spent the hour at the visitor center. Here is the toilet replica in the launch site.
They had some very cool things about the cold war and what it was like inside the launch facility. This red chair is where the two people rotate sitting in to be on call to launch the missile.

The girls liked these phones.
This was an interesting diorama of the relations between Soviet Union and United States during cold war.
Taking a break water painting while waiting.
Trying to lift the door to the launch site.
The boys really liked the tour and said it was super interesting so I was glad they got to go.
On the way home to the airbnb, we stopped at Wall Drug. I had heard so many things (and seen SO many signs) about this place I had no idea what to expect. It was not at all what I was expecting.
It had a lot of weird things in there, and we ran out of time to spend lots there.
But we did get ice cream. We got a lot of ice cream on this trip!

Liam the Sheriff.

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