
Day 4, Custer State Park Part 1, Sylvan Lake

Again, last picture first, but Liam skipping rocks.
Got up early to go to Custer State Park. First stop was to walk around Sylvan Lake. Such a pretty area. Reminded me of Silver Lake here, but no mountains and just cool massive boulders.

In front of some of the "needles" in the background.

A whole family picture!

Hiking through this cool little spot that looked like the rocks were going to fall on you ha ha.

By the dam part of the lake.

Around the backside.

This was a tiny mini slot canyon around the back of the lake. And there was a tiny, tiny waterfall so the kids all wanted to go inside to see it.

Playing on the logs.

More mountain goat climbing.

Liam sometimes makes me nervous where he goes on hikes. He has no fear.

Pretty views from the far side looking back to the main area of the lake.

More climbing big rocks.

Tops of the highest rock. Ryan went out and they went out as far as they could go.
Adeline was the only one who really wanted to play in the water for a little bit.
Sylvan Lake, we loved you!

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