
Day 3, Badlands National Park, Part 1 hiking Notch Trail

I hadn't heard or knew much about Badlands National Park but Day 3 we got up early and headed over there. This is coming out of the Notch trail Hike.
Coming into the park, these pictures don't do justice. It's like this crazy mountains/hills from another planet come out of nowhere.
It was so cool to see, but obviously my phone doesn't do pictures.
Family picture just heading into the notch trail, minus me.
Of course, because you can climb ANYWHERE in Badlands, my kids were so excited to start scaling walls. They are like mountain goats I have decided.

Heading up into it. This was like 2 minutes into the trail and we spent a good portion of time letting the kids climb up in here.

Collin and Liam were like where's waldo. Of course they climbed to the very top. I didn't let the girls climb quite as high, but they got pretty far up there as well.

The top of this mountain.

This was looking back from the mountain the kids just climbed. It was so unique and pretty. I wish I could take better pictures of it.

Finally made the kids come back down so we could get started on the actual notch trail.

More climbing on littler rocks for the girls.

Here is the "ladder" part of the trail. We made it up just fine. Coming back down was a little scary for Evelyn but she did it.

Yeah! A whole family picture at the top of the ladder. I love these pictures!

Looking down on the chasm portion.

Getting to the end of the trail.

Proof I was still there, though not a mountain goat :)

Here is the end of the trail that looks out over some green fields and "little" badland mountains. It was so cool looking.

Heading back down the trail.

More climbing.
The one shady spot :) ha ha.

Making it back down the ladder. It was such a great hike. Probably my favorite hike of the trip and one of my favorite places our family has been ever.

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