
Super Saturday part 2 playing in the river and the Ogden Railroad Museum

We met my super longest oldest friend Emily at a park that was right by a little river. I was brave and let the kids go in the river. Liam went all the way over and freaked me out, but the girls just went a little bit.
We had about an hour before the dinosaur museum so we went to the railroad and gun museum. It was fun to see inside one of the caboose cars.

They had a very large model train area set up that the kids really liked. It was fun to see which train was going where and figure out where the tunnels led.

The main model train station.

Upstairs from the railroad museum they had a gun museum. Liam was very excited about this one.
He couldn't believe all the cool old guns.
Liam's favorite gun-the 19 11.
Walking outside to see the old tracks and rail cars.

More train watching.

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