
Museum of Natural History Part 2

Upstairs making the flood come.
Moving around the Great Salt Lake water with pressure. This was pretty cool how you could move the water around.

The erosion table is always a huge hit.

Doing the earthquake.

Seeing how far we jump for an earthquake.

Liam designed a building to see if it would withstand an earthquake.

Seeing how water erosion works in the water table upstairs.

Building parts of a cell. Normally we spend more time up here, but some kids were VERY hungry by this time.

After we ate lunch, we went up to the Power of Color exhibit. This was really cool.

Shadows behind color.

This demonstration showed how you identify colors with feelings and emotions.
This last section was probably all of the kids' favorite. You could do all this jumping and dancing and moving your body and it would react with color. It's hard to describe and the pictures didn't really turn out like I thought, but it was very cool.

Dancing around with our shadow in color.

Moving different color around based on your heat index.
Some kids were done by this time, but we didn't even hit some of the museum. This was a great day. I really enjoy this place. SO much to learn!

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