
Super Saturday continued the Eccles Dinosaur Museum

The dinosaur had a free evening as part of the RAMP program too. The boys still remembered this indoor scene of the dinosaurs getting ready to fight.

I don't think Evelyn would remember coming here before (maybe she did when she was a tiny baby) and Adeline had never been so it was fun.
Looking at the sparkly jewels.

Finding different facts about dinosaurs.
Running from the t-rex.
Our token family picture. Some members of the family hated I was making them walk around in 100-Plus degree heat, but there was a lot of other people there too!
A very nice lady bought us several quarters worth of food to feed the fish.

My friend had recommended a place to eat after the dinosaurs museum, Jeremiah's. Everyone agreed it was 5 stars. We got to make a reservation, we had our food within 10 minutes of ordering, everyone (including all kids!) LOVED their food..... it was really a great experience.

Everyone said we need to come back again. It was a very fun, busy Super Saturday adventure!

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