
Olympic watching and Saturday Adventure Loveland Aquarium

Once again out of order, but here we are at the aquarium and the girls getting the smashed penny souvenirs.
Grandma brought down this big fashion drawing thing of Sadee's and the girls were very excited.
We also had some serious practicing of gymnastics while watching olympics :)
The first Saturday in August we did a Saturday adventure to the aquarium. Collin had gone up to work at Lawntech with grandpa, but the rest of us went. The girls had each gotten 2 free passes back to the aquarium from aquarium camp (that had to be used before school started), so it was a great way to see the aquarium with 5 people, but only pay for 4! Outside at the water table. I think the last time we went here it was during Halloween and they had a ton of Halloween stuff set up outside, so it was strange to not have that this time ha ha.
Ziplines are always a hit.

I didn't even know this playground existed! It was to represent a coral reef. It was pretty cool. We would have probably stayed longer, but it was already fairly hot outside by 1045 am.

Loved the hermit crab guy.

Adeline doing the famous rope bridge.
Adeline's "journal" you see here was to document all the animals and which order we were supposed to go in.

Evelyn wanted a picture in front of where she went to aquarium camp this summer. These are the doors to her classroom.
Hanging out with the otter.

Adeline took these animal pictures. She was SO excited to see the face of the clouded leopard!

Baby starfish.
Evelyn thought this coral looked like a horn.

Liam's favorite part of the aquarium since it looks like Antarctica.

Learning a lot about how animals see colors and shapes VERY differently than people.

Learning about this cool bird up close.

Little frog.

Touching the sea urchins.

This lobster was MASSIVE. Pictures didn't do it justice.
Shark tank.


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