
Girls camp 2024 and Collin hikes the highest mountain in Utah, King's Peak

This was my first time back to girls camp since I was in young womens WAY back in the day. We went to Heber Valley Camp and had this massive camp site all to ourselves. Here is the young women Presidency before we try and scale the rock wall.
Our group on the hike.
After we played at the lake.
Proof I was there :)
The leaders went on a paddleboat in the lake.
Me getting my life jacket on.
Doing the kayak with DeEtt.
I got one axe in on the axe throwing activity. I was the worst of everyone ha ha. It was a fun time!
Two days after I got back from Girls Camp, the young men went on a 3 day backpacking trip to hike the tallest mountain in Utah, King's Peak. Liam had been sick for a couple of days and was still feeling terrible so he didn't end up going and was super bummed. Here they are on the trail.
More trailing. I was proud of Collin for doing it, and when he got home he told me he had been a little sick most of the time up there too. Superman!

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