
First week of August fun, free rootbeer floats, eggplant parmesan, library time, and Collin's birthday

Took some of the kids and friends to free rootbeer float day!
And after TWO years of no eggplants growing in our garden, we have some this year so made the first eggplant parmesan in two summers. YUMMO!
Evelyn started running around the block like an Olympic runner.
While Evelyn had a fun activity days party, I took Adeline and Liam to the library. They had a fun interactive animal thing to do which was fun. I am so thankful for our library.

More of the float pictures.

Collin's birthday request was breakfast burritos.

Cute hoodie from grandma and grandpa.

Adeline got him some birthday cake cupcakes.
And he got his own chipotle MASSIVE burrito for dinner. It was a low key birthday (for a variety of reasons, but also because the girls got LICE that day which is a whole other story), but we are so thankful Collin is a part of our family!

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