
Day 7 Devil's Tower National Monument

Again, last picture, but around the back part.
I STILL remember going to Devil's Tower from our family's vacation YEARS ago, so I was excited it could basically be a stop on the way home from Rapid City. Luckily, I read about getting up early so you could find a parking space, so I made my family get up at 6 am so we could leave by 7 (ended up leaving more like 730) but we found a great parking spot and didn't have to wait and circle the parking lot forever. On a side note, when we left the park around 1130, CRAZY long wait to get into the parking lot. SO glad Heavenly Father inspired me to go early. Here is right before we started.
The girls did the junior ranger badge for this park as well and had to smell a tree, so here they are smelling a tree.
Proof I was there. And that I apparently bring my Barcelona shirt on every family vacation ha ha.
Learning about how the tower formed and people rock climbing it.

More learning knowledge.
What was so cool about getting there early was  the whole bouldering part that the kids LOVED was in the shade basically most of the time we were there. If I doubted my kids were mountain goats, no longer.
This was at the bottom where we were at and they climbed all the way (all four of them) to the bottom of the tree line which was the highest you could go without a special permit.

I spy game again. Where is everyone climbing ha ha.

Liam meditating on the big rock.
More playing I spy of where is each kid.
It was actually really cool that they could go WHEREVER on these rocks. Usually there is a trail or specific parts off bounds, but not this place.

Liam almost to the top.
He made it to the top!

Girls wanted to be like their big brothers.

Proof of mountain goatness :)
Me and the boys after the hike :)
Then we walked around the backside of the mountain. Adeline got obsessed with gargling.


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