
Day 6 Rapid City Dinosaur Park and Berlin Wall park

Whenever we saw this, I nicknamed it the Rapid City bubble!
I had read a TON of great things about this Dinosaur Park that was at the top of the hill.

Some of these dinosaurs were VERY tall.

Looking at the views of Rapid City. We were all sad we couldn't see the "bubble".

I had heard great things about the gift shop there, and they had 2 big scoops of ice cream for $3.00! A steal in the ice cream world. We ate a lot of ice cream on this trip ha ha.

Right by our airbnb was this cool park that had a piece of the Berlin Wall. We stopped for a little bit to learn about it.

It had some great information on the wall being built. It was tricky to try and teach the girls about it, they kept asking why anyone would build a wall through a city.

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