
First day/week of school 2024

This is something that is new this year, the girls have been riding their bikes to school. And here is Adeline after we took off her training wheels. She practiced a little bit on Evelyn's bike, but then was a champ riding around! And she can tie her own shoes! We are becoming so independent people! It's weird because now the (at least the last few days) the girls are up super early and ready go ride bikes at like 730 am and leave for school around 815 so mornings are VERY different.
First day of 8th grade for Liam.
2nd and 4th grade for the girls' first day.
Waiting in line the first day of school.

First day of 10th grade for Collin.

And more early morning bike riding.


Lagoon and Splash Summit days

Once again, last picture is out of order but proof I was at Splash Summit and that I rode on some waterslides.
One of the big reasons we got the Getout pass last year for Christmas was to go to Lagoon sometime this summer. We finally got to go the day after Collin's birthday. Here we are right as we entered. We went early so we could get a close parking spot and it was SUPER easy to get in with our passes.
I don't think Adeline had never been to Lagoon and probably Evelyn MAY have gone when she was a baby, so it had been awhile.
Everyone was very excited. We went to Cannibal first, since only the boys and Ryan had been on that ride before.
Due to the lack of line, and the girls due to shorterness had to be in the center car, I had to ride IN THE FRONT ROW! I was freaking out because I have NEVER that I can recall ridden a roller coaster of any kind in the front row. Well, I survived, but that first drop is killer.

We also got to ride the new ride Primordal. That was such a cool unique ride.
Adeline and I rode these spinny plane rides while the bigger kids rode the Jetstar ride since she was too short.

The girls did a kiddie ride each while waiting for Ryan in the bathroom.

And proof, once again, I do sometimes buy overpriced fun treats at places. We got dippin dots.

Waiting in line for the wild mouse ride. That ride was NUTSO!
I wanted to go on the rattlesnake rapids ride, We got soaked. Here is how my kids felt about getting COMPLETELY soaked later in the day. This picture makes me laugh.

Little Adeline.
We left around 715 and went to Costa Visa across the freeway for dinner instead of overpriced Lagoon. It was a really fun day. Not too bad of lines for the most part.
And then last Saturday, we did our last "bigger" adventure with our GetOut pass, Splash Summit Waterpark. We hadn't been in YEARS to there either.
It was fun as well. I never take too many pictures of water parks/pools because we are too busy riding and playing in the water, but we went right when it opened on the tube slides so MUCH less wait. In fact the first ride we went on we waited two minutes. SO nice! Yeah summer!

First week of August fun, free rootbeer floats, eggplant parmesan, library time, and Collin's birthday

Took some of the kids and friends to free rootbeer float day!
And after TWO years of no eggplants growing in our garden, we have some this year so made the first eggplant parmesan in two summers. YUMMO!
Evelyn started running around the block like an Olympic runner.
While Evelyn had a fun activity days party, I took Adeline and Liam to the library. They had a fun interactive animal thing to do which was fun. I am so thankful for our library.

More of the float pictures.

Collin's birthday request was breakfast burritos.

Cute hoodie from grandma and grandpa.

Adeline got him some birthday cake cupcakes.
And he got his own chipotle MASSIVE burrito for dinner. It was a low key birthday (for a variety of reasons, but also because the girls got LICE that day which is a whole other story), but we are so thankful Collin is a part of our family!


Olympic watching and Saturday Adventure Loveland Aquarium

Once again out of order, but here we are at the aquarium and the girls getting the smashed penny souvenirs.
Grandma brought down this big fashion drawing thing of Sadee's and the girls were very excited.
We also had some serious practicing of gymnastics while watching olympics :)
The first Saturday in August we did a Saturday adventure to the aquarium. Collin had gone up to work at Lawntech with grandpa, but the rest of us went. The girls had each gotten 2 free passes back to the aquarium from aquarium camp (that had to be used before school started), so it was a great way to see the aquarium with 5 people, but only pay for 4! Outside at the water table. I think the last time we went here it was during Halloween and they had a ton of Halloween stuff set up outside, so it was strange to not have that this time ha ha.
Ziplines are always a hit.

I didn't even know this playground existed! It was to represent a coral reef. It was pretty cool. We would have probably stayed longer, but it was already fairly hot outside by 1045 am.

Loved the hermit crab guy.

Adeline doing the famous rope bridge.
Adeline's "journal" you see here was to document all the animals and which order we were supposed to go in.

Evelyn wanted a picture in front of where she went to aquarium camp this summer. These are the doors to her classroom.
Hanging out with the otter.

Adeline took these animal pictures. She was SO excited to see the face of the clouded leopard!

Baby starfish.
Evelyn thought this coral looked like a horn.

Liam's favorite part of the aquarium since it looks like Antarctica.

Learning a lot about how animals see colors and shapes VERY differently than people.

Learning about this cool bird up close.

Little frog.

Touching the sea urchins.

This lobster was MASSIVE. Pictures didn't do it justice.
Shark tank.