
Friday, Nov 22, 2019 pictures

 After preschool Evelyn was able to go to her friend Maddie's house and they went to a super fun jump place.

 This was another picture Evelyn drew for Adeline and explained it.

 More pictures added to the wall. It's getting filled up.

 She was looking much more like herself.

 Polar bear watched over her today.

 I brought her pink blankie from home and she got to put it over her with all her animals.
 I got to hold her a second day. This day was much easier.

 Here is Noelle (Dr. Cadotte) my favorite dr. She ran the code that brought Adeline back to life and just helped so much that whole first week.
Dr. Troy was the overall supervising dr in the PICU for that first week. She was so awesome too!

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