
Saturday adventure hiking Silver Lake

Looking at what moose poop looks like in the visitor center.
Every year, I try and have our family walk around Silver Lake. It's such a pretty place. We went inside the visitor center for a little bit.

Here we are at the beginning of the trail. They have remodeled this boardwalk the last couple of years and it is SO nice now.

Look at that blue sky.
Studying the swamp.

Looking at a guy fishing and he caught a couple of fish while we were watching him. He was good!
My kids' favorite spot. Climbing the "tall wall" that now that my kids have gotten bigger, (especially Collin and Liam) it has gotten smaller as we go each year :)

Adeline wanted a picture at the top.

Another fun rock climbing area with big muscles.

Evelyn saw this cute little random heart in a tree.
The far side of the lake.

Pretending we are wolves.

Adeline finding poop in the visitor center. She is silly.

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