
Girls Saturday adventure/tent sleeping, Adeline pulls yet another tooth out

This girl. The tooth fairy is always busy at our house these days. She had a semi-loose tooth, and apparently "wanted some money" so she pulled out her loose tooth. Out of her six lost teeth, she has pulled out totally on her own the last four. Go Adeline!
And while the boys and Ryan went to the father/son campout, he set up our other tent in the backyard and the girls slept out there. They LOVED it.

Then that Saturday, I took the girls to Red Butte Garden. It's such a pretty place.
They had free coupons for the PBS reading program so we just had to pay for me.
They love rolling down this hill, but I think some of the grass irritated their skin later on in our visit, so they may not do that again ha ha.

This is a whole new path we have never been on up above the gardens. The girls loved walking on the rocks.

The children's garden is always our favorite.

And the big lizards.

Eating a little snack in the hideout.

Playing in the sandbox.

This was a tricky pole for Evelyn to figure out how to get down from the top. She tried and tried and didn't want to give up, but was getting frustrated. Her right arm and leg still are tricky to do some stuff like this, but Adeline was such a good sister and showed her exactly how to stretch over and then Evelyn did it! Her face said it all and she was SO happy she did it.

Sitting on the moose statue.

This was a brand new little "six bridges" hike near the back by the water garden. We have never been here because it is only 2 years old. It was just an easy little 1/3 mile walk, but it was so fun to find the 6 bridges that crossed the creek.

Proof the orange hat and I were there.
In front of the waterfall.
Thanks Red Butte Garden!

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