
Adeline's second week of gymnastics in September

Working on her hand stand on the high beam.

She gets to do a back handspring (with help) on the vault now. She looks so little doing it!


Symphony, slurpies, scavenger hunts, and other random pictures of September events

Ryan and Collin and Liam got to go see the Utah Symphony perform Jurassic Park music with the movie in the background. They all really liked it.
Ryan and Evelyn playing a game she got for her birthday from Sister Madsen.
Collin after doing Raider prep uniform.
Evelyn is trying out a little cross country class this fall. She LOVES it so far.
Adeline did my hair and necklace one night.
Silly pic.
Ringing the bell before art class.
In uniform about to head to school.
For last week's Saturday adventure, we tried out a "digital" scavenger hunt with our get out pass. We did the zombie edition, per the kids request, and so lots of these pictures were when I was with the girls and they were acting out "zombie" poses with different things in the background.

Hugging as zombies.

Stealing money as a zombie.

Can't remember what Liam was supposed to be doing here, but he had to do it with a "fast car" in the background.

And while the boys were at the symphony, I took the girls to 7-11 to get slurpies. They LOVED it.


Adeline does gymnastics

Adeline is the only one doing gymnastics this month. Practicing her cartwheel on the beam.
We took a break from any "scheduled" after school type activities for the summer (which was a very very nice break) but I asked Adeline if she had forgotten some of her gymnastics skills over the summer and she said no.
Trying to do handstands by herself on the beam. It is tricky!

Miss Lacey was back! She had her baby and looks great. I love when she helps her.

Doing her double feet jumps. These pictures make me smile with her pony tail flying everywhere.

Practicing high beam handstands.

She is excited to go next week!

Saturday adventure hiking Silver Lake

Looking at what moose poop looks like in the visitor center.
Every year, I try and have our family walk around Silver Lake. It's such a pretty place. We went inside the visitor center for a little bit.

Here we are at the beginning of the trail. They have remodeled this boardwalk the last couple of years and it is SO nice now.

Look at that blue sky.
Studying the swamp.

Looking at a guy fishing and he caught a couple of fish while we were watching him. He was good!
My kids' favorite spot. Climbing the "tall wall" that now that my kids have gotten bigger, (especially Collin and Liam) it has gotten smaller as we go each year :)

Adeline wanted a picture at the top.

Another fun rock climbing area with big muscles.

Evelyn saw this cute little random heart in a tree.
The far side of the lake.

Pretending we are wolves.

Adeline finding poop in the visitor center. She is silly.