
Saturday Adventure Girls to Discovery Museum Gateway

We split up for our Saturday adventure on October 21. The boys went out to lunch and got haircuts with Ryan and I took the girls to the Discovery Museum downtown for the afternoon. I couldn't believe how few people were there for a Saturday afternoon. Maybe because it was October? The ball thing at the very entrance is always a huge hit.

The store is ALSO a really huge hit. It's been a couple of years since we have gone and now they have little baskets instead of shopping carts, which is easier I think.

Both girls loved being the checker outer person.

This car is new since we have gone. You can even go partially under to see what is wrong.

And work on the engine.

Adeline was sad the eggs weren't with the chickens for some reason.
Getting on the horse is a must!

And we spent a decent amount of time in the art studio doing a certain kind of mirror art to paint pumpkins.

They each did several paintings.
And both loved doing the dry erase chalkboards.

Adeline's drawing. It was so cute I had to take a picture.

Water area has been changed a little since we have gone.

Then it was time to head upstairs.

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