
More swimming at home and Adeline gets to be in her first "movie"

 Adeline's swimming attire one day included swim goggles. It was hilarious.
 This summer, Adeline refuses to wear t-shirts and shorts. She either wears swimsuits or long pants. I about passed out one day when she came down dressed in shorts and a t-shirt.
 Collin making some homemade candy.

 Hanging out in 100 degrees in the mini pool again.

 The eagles at play. That's what the girls like to play outside after we need a break from the pool.

 Adeline brought this to me and said the seahorse has a mask on!

 At home therapy time. Doing the smaller button sandwich. She actually did much better doing this button than she has in the past. Still very hard, but righty could pull it through a little bit this time!

 Our stake president asked to borrow some kid stuff for a movie they were filming for youth conference. Then he asked Adeline if she wanted to be in the movie. So she got to be in her first movie. She was SO excited!!
 She had to beat all the stake presidency members at a "mini" triathalon. She didn't follow directions quite right (ha ha three year olds) and I haven't seen the finished product, but it was definitely memorable.

 The finish line!

Matching ballerina swimmers.

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