
Kodachrome basin Angel's Palace hike

Once again, just the way it worked out, we hiked in the hottest part of the day. But we don't look too sweaty and tired yet right? At the trailhead.
Every kid found a walking stick. Collin would often say "in line formation!" and lead out the group. Adeline used her walking stick super short more like a wand. Ha ha. But how impressive she wore shorts and a t-shirt every day with no complaints. 
Along the trail.

Exploring around 

Cute kid picture. 
Cute kids in cave. 
About to hike the hill.

Almost to the top of the hill.

I let the boys and Ryan walk the "scary narrow part" near the end. 

They made it to what we thought was the top!

Looking down to our bunkhouse from the top.
Heading back down. Such such pretty scenery.

Shade break.
Evelyn always was busting her wand out in pictures on this hike.

On the way down.
Almost finished with the trail.

 We made it back! Good job troopers hiking in 100 degree heat!

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