
End of Day 3 and jackrabbit sightings and start of Day 4, mini hike with boys

Picture as the sun goes down.

Getting organized for bed. 
Sleeping on the futon.
The girls slept both on the top twin bunk. Adeline ended up hogging the bed and Evelyn woke up several times, but oh well. Such is the camping type life!
Watching for the jackrabbits.
Pictures out of order, but this is the start of the early morning walk I took with the boys.
Fun jackrabbits we saw the night we stayed in the bunkhouse. They jumped out really fast and crazy like. 
Sunrise Day 4. from our bunkhouse view.
Watching the bats we saw flying around.
Following the little trail that led away from our cabin.

Oh such chapped lip smile!

TONS of dried river beds on all these trails. This was a HUGE one the boys climbed down in and up over the side. I found out later this was a sub set off the grand parade trail, but we didn't know that at the time.
I'm glad just the boys did this part, because it involved a lot of climbing down in the riverbed, which the girls would have struggled with.

 More sunrise pictures from Day 4. It was just so pretty. 

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