
Library and backyard pool days

 Hanging out at the library and playing for a bit.

 Reading at the library ha ha.

 It was finally warm enough to get out the little tiny pool one afternoon for the girls. It has bred an obsession with Adeline to wear her swimsuit. ALL. THE. TIME. They had a blast.

 Resting in the sun ha ha.
 She always had to fix her towel.
 We had a friend over one afternoon and I decided to get out our huge pool. It took quite awhile to get it all set up, especially filling it with water.

 In the mean time, it got very overcast and chilly.....so kids were already starting to be cold before we started ha ha.

 Liam got so cold (how ironic since he is always the hot one) that he went in and got his pajamas on.
I decided we are not setting the pool up again unless I for sure know it's going to stay warm! That is quite a project for only 15 minutes of pool time!

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