
Collin's newest activity

Lately, Collin has found a new hobby...can you guess from this first picture what it is... Mom, I know you think these socks are so cute on me...
But, I just LOVE to pull my socks and pull and pull....
See, mom? I'm so strong and feel so successful when I can pull my socks off all on my own :)
I promise I won't put this sock in my mouth though. You always pull them out of my mouth.


Jenny said...

What fun posts! Glad to see your Idaho trip photos, and sorry about the socks. Kids just do that, and it is downhill from here! :)

O'Berrys said...

awww...Collin is super cute! What cute O'Berry boys we both have! I LOVE that he is smily in the pictures now! It is so funny how little ones think that pulling off socks is a fun activity!

Krista said...

He's so cute! The fun is really going to start now! :)

jeffandbrianne said...

Cute pictures of Collin. Don't we love to pull off our socks. Fun times

Linsi said...

This totally reminds me of Kevin! He does it with his shoes now, too. I didn't realize before Collin has long eyelashes--super cute!

grapeape said...

gosh-golly, that boy is SURE a cute-EE!!! :) oh, how i miss the baby stage--well, at times... :) soggy socks, i remember those. it's no wonder i mostly let my boys go bare-footed; 'course, in AZ, that's much easier to get away with.

Steph said...

What a cute little man!

An Ordinary Mom said...

They grow up way too quickly! Love his new trick :) !!