Have you ever had one of those days that everything just seems to be good? I had one yesterday, which makes me be encouraged for 2009….
First off, Collin. He was the most PERFECT baby…..seriously. Maybe he just hasn’t had one of these days in awhile that I have been around the whole day to know (and I'm not saying he isn't a good baby, he is a very good baby)…. But he got up at 715am, then he went down for a nap around 815 and slept until about 1015, ate and played, then slept from about 1145-130ish, then ate and played, then went down again from 3-515pm, ate, played, and then his power nap (normally about 20 minutes) went from about 730-845… I was worried he wouldn’t even be tired, but he ate, played in the bath, and then went down again at 1015, and we didn’t hear a PEEP from him until I went in to feed him at 715 this morning. I was worried (just a little bit this morning that he had died!) HELLO CHILD! I couldn’t get over it and kept saying he must be growing to Ryan, because it has been a LONG while that that has happened….. so I was so grateful for a little baby boy that had such a great day.
Secondly, because Collin had such great naps, I was able to play with him, but also get a couple of major projects done I have been wanting to get done on a day off. Like getting all the Christmas stuff taken down. What a project! Doing a load of laundry, okay, not a huge project, but still :) I actually even got to watch a movie during some of Collin’s naps, and didn’t fall asleep (which is practically unheard of), and we had some fun family come over for a visit…..
All in all, I had a GREAT start to the New Year. Hope you do too!