

Adeline and I did the ice skating lessons. I can't remember now but I signed all six of us up, but Evelyn ended up staying at the kids' club morning session until after our ice skating time ended. Adeline only lasted about a half hour in the kids club (not sure why she didn't like it still) so she and I did the ice skating. It was MUCH harder than ice skating around what we did a couple of weeks ago. Luckily the sessions were only 20 minutes, but it was still fun to say we did it! Adeline was of course much better than me.

Eating breakfast in the dining room. The french toast became a favorite for the girls, the breakfast wrap for the boys.

Playing family gagaball competition.

And we did a LOT of time in the pool. I took Adeline for a couple hours in the morning and both girls in the afternoon. Adeline could have LIVED in that pool. And the one pool water was SO warm it was like a hot tub. It was AMAZING, despite being salt water.
Fancy formal night dinner. We cleaned up good!

Love this picture of Evelyn's happy face.
Fun pictures out on the balcony!
Next family picture I'm going to blow up for our family vacation frame.

Look siblings being nice to each other!
Admiring the art gallery before the nightly entertainment dance show.

Cute Collin and I waiting for the show to start. I was freezing of course so had to borrow Ryan's jacket.

Watching Ryan compete in the night's game show.. We stayed up late a lot of nights!


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