
Adeline's 6th birthday

Birthday prep the night before. Adeline STILL remembers her "big number" balloons and requests them every year so had to run around trying to find a 6 for her.
She was so so happy to see the balloon!
Good morning birthday girl!
Birthday breakfast request, crepes and strawberry sauce and whipped cream.

Since it was a school day, and Liam had ji jitsu and Collin had work, I told Adeline we wouldn't be able to do AS many fun things as other days possibly. But during ji jitsu we went to the park nearby and it was fun. And the weather was GORGEOUS! It hit 80 degrees that day! I told Adeline I'm so happy you have such beautiful weather on your birthday!

Grandma and Grandpa came down for her birthday which was so so nice. She requested Italian sliders for dinner, which was nice and easy.
Present opening time, her favorite part! She got quite a bit of birthday money which she was very, very excited about! "I'm rich!" she kept saying.

Evelyn was SO sweet and gave her one of her own $1 and a sweet note and some stickers.

Collin gave her the other half of his massive gummy bag which SHE LOVED!
"I do NOT like cake anymore mom. I want brownies and ice cream for my birthday!" YEAH!
And the candles even lit up in different colors. We love you Adeline!

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