
White dresser

Ryan and I got an old, but great condition changing table, from his sister awhile ago. So, no we don't have any needs for it super soon (no, I'm not pregnant), but it's been on my list FOREVER to paint for some future little SuperBaby O'Berry. This weekend, it finally got done. Doesn't it look AWESOME? I wish I had a before picture.
Oh, and PS, we finally have a new camera, no one called us with our old one and all our Cruise the Fourth pictures... oh well :( BOO HOO!


Jacob said...

I am wishing you luck and faith and hope that you will one day in the not-too-distant future have reason to fill it with diapers! It is perfect!!! I love white nursery furniture!!!

An Ordinary Mom said...

I think it looks fantastic! I like how it has a dual purpose - it has both drawers and a changing area. Perfect!