
Adeline's trip to Primary Children's for a couple of days

The lone picture out of order ha ha. This is after we got home and she was SO excited to be pounding food and was so starving.
So Adeline had had a bad cough for a couple of days last week and some fevers that weren't going away very well with tylenol, so I took her into the instacare right after dinner on Saturday. She got a steroid, chest x-ray, and a couple breathing treatments. She still was struggling (even though she wasn't super wheezy and struggling to breathe) to maintain high enough levels without the oxygen on, so they decided to transport her up to primaries since the instacare was closing and they didn't really have the ability to treat her for more than an hour or two.
We had to go in an ambulance (not with the lights on) because she couldn't maintain high enough oxygen on her own. It was our first ambulance ride, for me and her.
She was a little nervous to ride in the ambulance. She just kept saying she wanted to go home.
I was strapped in like a fighter pilot ha ha.
Here we are once we transferred from the er to the RTI. Adeline living her best life at midnight, watching pbs kids, and finally eating a quesadilla and fries dinner. She said it was the best food ever. This picture made me laugh.
She stayed in the RTI for awhile, but then her oxygen needs got too high and so we had to go up to the ICU for a few hours. By this time, she was getting SO bored.
Thank GOODNESS (and I have said this EVERY time we go to primaries) for child life. They come at the exact moment that is needed to help kids that have to stay in hospital. She brought slime and Adeline loved making and doing that.

That little arm band is covering up her IV line....which was VERY tramautic to get in, but thankfully, we didn't have to do much after they took the initial blood work.She did have to be on a high oxygen flow mask for awhile, thus the ICU. 
Child life also brought us sorry and candyland and battleship. We played a LOT of rounds of all of them, and kid you not, Adeline beat me every time.
Happy she won me for the fourth time in a row at Candyland!
Good to go for battleship winning as well.

Ryan and the other kids came up on Sunday afternoon to see her, but she was SO cranky and tired (from no sleep for 2 days and all that had happened in the hospital, she fell asleep with her sheet over her and anytime she saw anyone she would scream "don't look at me!" and pull the sheet over. So for the 3ish hours they were there, she wasn't awake. But I was so so glad she finally slept. She woke up right after they left a completely different person.
Our sweet primary sent this card up with kids and teachers that had signed it.
Living her best life with a smoothie, hot dog, and yogurt parfait. When she felt up to eating, she loved the hospital food she ordered.

Hey! Finally a picture without oxygen in her nose!
Eating her waffle and french toast and yet another smoothie the late morning when we got news we would get to likely go home that day!

One last game of battleship, that she won again. Pretty sure from her hospital stay she will remember the cannula, the smoothies, and winning at all the games she played mom. SO SO glad it was a shorter stay than 2019 and that she had such a quick turn around!

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