
Seeing Grandpa O'Berry and hanging out with Barnhisels, last day of school shake celebration!

Grandpa O'Berry was in the hospital right near us due to some yellowness in his skin and some other issues. The morning he was there (The last day of school) Collin and I went to see him (since Collin got out earlier than the other kids). He was joking he was the golden boy.
You can see the Taylorsville Temple from his room!
Proof I was there.
Evelyn's Spanish teacher sent this cute class picture the last day of school.
And Grandma gave us money to get Arctic Circle shakes. It was a great hit. Adeline got raspberry.
Evelyn got oreo and Collin moosetracks.
Liam strawberry.

And Liam got the "summer buzz". It was a lot of hair I cut off the Saturday after school got out.
Hanging out at the Barnhisels the Saturday after school got out to see Grandpa O'Berry more.
Liam enjoyed their fun basketball hoop thing that was new.

Eating on the deck.

Silly Evelyn pictures she took.


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