
House project-painting the upstairs hallway

My dad came down for a few days while my mom went to BYU women's conference. One of the projects he tackled was painting our hallway .
Here is all the masking off.

I tried to choose a color that was similar but lighter version.

Almost done with the first layer.

Ever since we remodeled our kitchen (YEARS ago) our upstairs hallway has needed to be the ceiling fixed and painted due to some electrical things we changed in our kitchen. So now it looks SO good!

Doing the finishing touches on the walls near the ceiling.

He also got us a new vent that looks SO nice. We didn't have much hanging up in the hallway, but I'm not sure I want to totally put it up again because the bare walls look nice ha ha.

Outside the girls room.

My cute saying had to go away, but that's ok. This hallway now looks like it's brand new.

He also painted all the white around the stairs.

And put in a touch light at the bottom of the stairs. Thanks dad! IT looks SO good! So much brighter and lighter!

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