
Adeline's birthday and turning 7!

Adeline turned 7 last week. She requested crepes with whipped cream and berries for her birthday breakfast. They were so yummy!

Everyone was a fan and she especially loved them. It's a simple tradition for our family, but it makes it fun for the birthday person, especially if it's a school day and extra special breakfast.
First hug from 7-year-old Adeline!
Sister Mismash gave her this balloon and treat for her birthday.
After the girls went to art class, we brought Arctic Circle (Adeline's choice) to the park by there and ate and opened presents. She said it was amazing! I love simple birthdays :)
Grandma and Grandpa came down which made it extra fun!
Doing the zip line.

Opening presents.

Grandma and grandpa gave her a book light. She was SO excited. Ever since Evelyn has had hers, Adeline has wanted one. I love her facial expressions while opening it.

She got some "brand new" clothes which were also a request.

And a new scooter since hers broke and she was SO excited about it.

Riding the new scooter around.

Doing the monkey bars.

All my kids like the monkey bars.
Then we went to Leatherby's for her birthday treat. Considering it was a busy school day, with regular activities after until 6, we partied hard!
I think Leatherby's sundaes have gotten bigger since I have been there.

Happy birthday Adeline! We LOVE LOVE LOVE you!

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