
Hanging out at home, Collin helps Adeline with a lego set, more gymnastics

Hanging out at home.
The girls set the table super fancy recently. They were so proud.
Playing old school stratego on MLK day.
Adeline got this really cute lego set from her Primary teacher, Sister Fairbourn. Collin helped her put it together.

She loves it! It's a 3-in-1 set, but she doesn't want to take the unicorn apart.
Working on her gymnastics.

Backbend flips are getting better. It's still very tricky for righty side.

Adeline is very strong at backbends. In fact, at home this week she "challenged" me to a gymnastics competition. I failed in every event compared to her :(

Practicing hand stands. Can't wait for warmer weather to practice these outside.

Working on the flips on the beam.

It's been fun to see the progress.

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